DumpStats voor wasbordje666

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#79911 (Top 28.8275%)

Kudos/dag 0.05
Kudos/reaguursel 11
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel 29
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel -3



Reaguursels/dag 0
Topreaguursels 0
Woorden per reaguursel 119
Reacties per reaguursel 0.78
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag 4
Aantal x weggejorist 0
Gestart op 11-02-2020

Kudoverloop over tijd

-3 kudos 2021-05-17 14:04:35 op Gat In Haar Hand (Niet 80's Versie)
Als je het origineel wilt zoeken op youtube, zoek dan niet naar gat in haar hand operatie. Ik heb frissere dingen gezien dan aambeien op de maandag middag.

19 kudos 2020-12-17 12:44:23 op Oud uitsmijter vertelt verhaaltje
@wasbordje666 | 17-12-2020 | 12:43: (Everyone) left in the bar was fucking laughing at us and we was just standing there. It was fucking horrible. It was proper embarrassing. And we were just standing there and I went "fucking mad that though eh?" And me mate went "yeah yeah but what do you expect (with the) lad winning a gold at the Olympics?". And I went "fuck off lad, we got fucking leathered off a fucking goth. Fucking all big pair of dopes we got thrown everywhere you soft cunt". And we just all ended up screaming (laughing).

But not a lot of people would tell that. But you know what? I don't give a fuck.

19 kudos 2020-12-17 12:43:25 op Oud uitsmijter vertelt verhaaltje
@wasbordje666 | 17-12-2020 | 12:42: We were getting fucking leathered off the cunt.

Anyway we all ends up on our arse on the deck and the cunt just walked out the fucking bar on his own. He was cool as fuck with the chain swinging. (We) gets up off the floor, right? And we all ran to the front door and I went to him "Hey you! You little cunt come back!" He was at the top of the street now lad. And I went "Here you are let's have a straightener". And he went "Lad I just fucked yous all. Fuck off you dickhead". And he just walked off into the sunset.

Anyway everyone in the bar was just looking at the fucking door laughing. We were a fucking laughing stock. We were just looking at one another and I could see everyone laughing inside the bar and I thought "oh shit we feel like we're right cunts here". So we're all just standing there. Anyway, about 20 minutes no one talked it was like we'd fucking been raped or something.

And no one talked and then me mate went "what happened there lad?" And I went "mate I don't know, you know?". And you know when you start backing each other up? And I went "I think I've seen him you know, umm in the Echo (newspaper) lad, weren't he like this Olympic wrestler?". And one of the others went "Lad I seen that. I seen that he was an Olympic wrestler. It was on the front of the Echo the other week. He won all kinds of wrestling tournaments and all that. I think he got a gold in the Olympics".

21 kudos 2020-12-17 12:42:06 op Oud uitsmijter vertelt verhaaltje
Next minute (I) see me mate, he gets flipped in the air and put on his arse. Next minute he's shouting "Darren, Darren help help!"

(I went) over and I grabbed this little goth fucker. He had all the white make-up on. So I grabbed him and I went "hey you, you little cunt". I pulls him off me mate, right? And I... as I'm dragging him out he fucking flipped me, right? I dunno what he done to me but I ended up on me arse with him on top of me, right? And all the students went "waheyyyyy!" They were all buzzing, right? I'm on me arse with this little cunt on top of me, all 9 stone, I was about 19 fucking stone at the time.

Next minute 2 of the doormen we were working with ran over and grabbed him. So 4 of us had him, right? He was just getting out and doing all these mad fucking moves and all that. And we ended up falling down all the stairs in there with him, right? We get to the bottom of the stairs and we're all just getting fucking sweeped and flipped off from everywhere. And everyone in the fucking bar was laughing at us, right?

(He was) 9 stone with fucking make-up like a clown on his face, a chain hanging from his arse to his feet and we couldn't even control him. He was just sweeping us left, right, and centre. And just doing all these mad moves. And everyone in the bar was just looking... Honest to God listen, before you go on ... Me mate was a professional boxer at the time and he was 16 stone. And the other kids who were working with me were 16 and 18 stone.

29 kudos 2020-12-17 12:40:58 op Oud uitsmijter vertelt verhaaltje
So go ahead (to the cameraperson).

Me mate's just messaged me anyway and went "lad tell that story when ye just got had off (got beaten up) on the door, off some fella". Ah go on lad I'll fucking tell it then.

About ten years ago this, right? I was still working on the door and there was 4 of us on the door and we worked on the Baa bar, right? And umm, quiet night just all students in and we had .. I won't mention no names of these lads who worked with me cos they mightn't be like me. I'm not hard you can laugh at me all you fucking want but some people don't like to get laughed at. But umm I'll tell the story, right?

So we were all on the door and we heard doormen to the dancefloor which was upstairs in the Baa bar so we all go legging it up and here's these two fucking students fighting, right? They were only fucking... they were what... they were about 9 stone each. And they're fighting and me mate went "hang on lads I'll get this". So he runs over and grabs one of the students by the arm to split them up. (Name) ran over, he was about 16 stone, he was about 5 foot 6 and looked like fucking Odd-Job out of Bruce Lee, right?

So he runs over and he grabs this student by the arm who was a goth, he had the chains hanging down his arse keks (from the back of his pants), the white make-up on and all that. Next minute, right? As he's fucking... he breaks them up and all the students go "booooo", (they) know the fights going on and he's break(ing) it up.

2 kudos 2020-02-11 14:16:15 op Steeds maar weer
@Snollen_troller | 11-02-2020 | 14:14:
Oh jammer dat zal nog wel ff duren

3 kudos 2020-02-11 14:12:19 op Steeds maar weer
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