DumpStats voor atsimas

-266 +70 -336


#272428 (Top 98.8964%)

Kudos/dag -0.19
Kudos/reaguursel -8.06
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel 30
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel -42



Reaguursels/dag 0.02
Topreaguursels 0
Woorden per reaguursel 23.5
Reacties per reaguursel 0.76
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag 3
Aantal x weggejorist 0
Gestart op 22-03-2021

Kudoverloop over tijd

20 kudos 2023-06-01 15:52:48 op Masterclass in masters
There is no substitute for the classroom. He went there because it was easier to pass the entrance exam and by default, online classes are easier on purpose.

9 kudos 2022-10-12 09:10:58 op Meest gevreesde paratroopers Uganda in actie!
They obviously haven't done any drops in a stadium. The air movement is different outside vs inside, so you need experience for this kind of thing.

2 kudos 2023-09-07 23:04:42 op Maleisische vechtbaas uitdagen
I do not know him, but I know Pacquiao, and he was as small as him, but, he did kick the ass of men double his size.

2 kudos 2024-11-04 20:54:38 op Stukje geniale techniek
unfortunately, the organism eventually will get accustomed to the current and this device will no longer work. Be conservative!

0 kudos 2021-07-31 15:33:33 op Howto: aambei verwijderen
eat a lot of green, walk a good portion of the day, and spend the absolute minimum time in toilet. Not one less important than the other. If this does not work, then you go to be cut.

-3 kudos 2024-10-12 09:55:54 op Een rattenklem testen.
I have seen this trap up close. It will cut your fingers. Don't attempt.

-3 kudos 2023-11-27 22:32:27 op LGBT leest koraan en is erg enthousiast
She should read Harper’s Bazar as a way of living. She should find this magazine more interesting and it has nothing less to offer than the Quran.

-4 kudos 2024-07-19 16:51:47 op Daar komen ze goed weg
We had a Linux version in a warship. The problem is that it isn't user-friendly. For example, we had to do an operation pretty frequently and the documentation was: continue with this step and now go to x:x:x which was in another book. It shouldn't be so perplexed

-4 kudos 2022-10-11 15:27:23 op Een pro aan het werk
Without an A.I. no ordinary human would be able to correctly drive this.

-5 kudos 2023-06-01 15:54:57 op Masterclass in masters
Yes, and you need to understand what is being said because the 10% fee can easily become 50% if you're not aware.

-6 kudos 2023-12-18 18:21:43 op Vrouwenmomentje
How do you think some have not a dent in their car? By acting this way of course.

-7 kudos 2024-03-29 19:01:29 op Motorrijdert is levensmoe
Motorcycles are faster in the straights, and slower in the bends, take that man's license out of his hands.

-7 kudos 2022-08-15 20:51:38 op Zijn we al geland?
Can you tell me how to find the source of sound that is heard from 0:16 to 0:19?

-8 kudos 2024-09-09 16:09:35 op Ze draagt een kruisje
Teaching faith as an ignorant. Please do not. The only thing we know is that we do not know the will of God. So basically what you deem as wrong might be right and vice-versa. There is no right or wrong, just in between. In the end, as long as you don't hurt others, do what you want and please feel good about it.

-9 kudos 2022-10-22 15:27:59 op Kraan maakt raar geluid
Take it apart put some Valsir silicone and put it together and you will stop annoying the neighbors.

-17 kudos 2024-10-13 12:21:37 op Wat wordt het?
If you want a son ejaculate on the 1-2nd day since she can have sex. If you want a daughter ejaculate on the 5-6th day. If you want a boy also do not ejaculate between the 3rd and 6th day. It scientifically works.

-18 kudos 2021-04-10 17:06:18 op Hoe rem je met skeelers?
hon borde lära sig att bromsa med skridskon i sidled eller vrida sig själv i sidled

-22 kudos 2023-06-01 22:25:03 op Jeuk aan m'n oor
Actually, I have a place with quite many few trees and this has been pesticides free for at least 5 years and though I wore long trousers and rainboots I was amazed I found two holes at the insteps. I presume it was spiders laying eggs.

-22 kudos 2023-02-22 18:17:15 op Bezorgert schrikt zich de tering
He is way braver than me and I like dogs that live outdoor. I've seen too many close on someone from behind and attacking him, to be so courteous.

-24 kudos 2024-08-15 18:29:28 op Veganbuurvrouw is principieel anti-BBQ
As with smoking, it is not the smoking that bothers you, the bystander, but the smell. Likeway this gentleman can have all the barbeque he wants, but he must keep the smells in his house.

-42 kudos 2023-10-03 23:25:31 op Motorbrandje in de auto
If I identify that the car was probably made after 2018, I wouldn't even touch it with water. Might be a hybrid? then I hope you have written your will, beforehand. Just save the driver and get the hell away