54 +54 0
#94029 (Top 33.9205%)
Kudos/dag | 0.02 |
Kudos/reaguursel | 18 |
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel | 44 |
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel | 4 |
54 +54 0
#94029 (Top 33.9205%)
Kudos/dag | 0.02 |
Kudos/reaguursel | 18 |
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel | 44 |
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel | 4 |
Reaguursels/dag | 0 |
Topreaguursels | 0 |
Woorden per reaguursel | 61.7 |
Reacties per reaguursel | 0 |
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag | 1 |
Aantal x weggejorist | 0 |
Gestart op | 29-11-2018 |
Kudoverloop over tijd
44 kudos 2024-11-15 22:28:58 op PussyWetter (Safe For Work)
Ja! De hele buurt ligt vol met schijt, laten we er nog wat meer schijt tegenaan gooien!
4 kudos 2023-06-30 08:33:24 op Windturbine knutselen
@pleuriskuiken | 30-06-2023 | 08:18:
Gelukkig zeiden ze dat 25 jaar geleden ook al.
Moet je nagaan hoeveel van die dingen we al gebouwd hadden kunnen oelewapper.
6 kudos 2018-11-29 17:28:01 op Iemand mortel nodig?
Dramatic footage has emerged showing a runaway cement lorry ploughing through five garden walls, two parked cars and a lamppost.\r
The CPI Euromix truck - bearing the slogan 'quality mortar when you need it' - was filmed wreaking havoc on the residential street in Worcester, West Midlands.\r
The lorry caused damage over a 150 metre stretch after it rolled down the hill without no driver behind the wheel. \r
Guy Hallam, 56, caught the incident on camera on his morning commute to work and said it was a miracle no one was injured. \r
He said: 'It happened just after 7.30am when I was cycling to work.\r
'I think the lorry had been left unattended and had somehow rolled off. It actually crossed a main road further up the hill, luckily it was early in the morning, and during the school holidays.