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#16184 (Top 6.0122%)

Kudos/dag 1.26
Kudos/reaguursel 22.61
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel 2310
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel -114



Reaguursels/dag 0.06
Topreaguursels 1
Woorden per reaguursel 8.9
Reacties per reaguursel 0.14
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag 4
Aantal x weggejorist 0
Gestart op 25-01-2016

Kudoverloop over tijd

0 kudos 2022-01-13 21:25:57 door monibu op Ik kreeg een notificatie
Jup, sinds ze indirect weet aan de WEF vasthangen en de hoeveelheid bijstandmoeders hoog is ben ik er wel klaar mee. De filmpjes zelf ondergaan al een misselijkmakende censuurmuur door...

-1 kudos 2022-01-13 19:52:00 door Langobard op Ik kreeg een notificatie
Als je ooit gelezen had wat de NSB'ers echt deden en dachten, had je deze rotzooi nooit geschreven.

-4 kudos 2022-01-13 19:05:08 door die_kale op Ik kreeg een notificatie
Helemaal mee eens, het is erg de laatste jaren, of D66 heeft een leger trollen ingehuurd dat hier actief is.

-5 kudos 2022-01-06 08:53:13 door Qlusivenl op Demonstranten bestormen overheidsgebouw in Kazachstan
Mensen die dingen bestormen om hun gelijk te krijgen neerschieten is toch gewoon +1? Tsja, de situatie is daar misschien anders, maar voor jou en mij is dat niet in te leven. Die mensen protesteren niet omdat ze geen mondkapje opwillen, maar omdat de gasprijs omhoog gaat... doe gewoon normaal stelletje gekken.

-2 kudos 2021-03-13 11:17:27 door themac op Bizarre arrestatie
? wat heeft dit met links/rechts te maken... de maatregelen komen van een rechts kabinet, en de wappies zijn vooral te vinden in populistisch-rechtse partijen.

-6 kudos 2021-03-13 10:55:00 door jlg81 op Bizarre arrestatie
ja want die rechtse tokkies die doen nooit wat, en gooien niks op internet....droeftoeter

10 kudos 2017-05-24 18:18:56 door spin81 op Jongen gaat bloed doneren
- You sound like someone who's taken their kids to the Arena, have you been there?\r
- Yeah, I've been there, I've worked there as a bartender years ago, I've worked in, I'm a bartender, I've worked in bars around it. Thousands of people that I've seen, that came to this city, for a concert or an event, but they always say what a wonderful city it is, there's so much to see and do, people from all over the world, students... Nurses, doctors that come from all over the world to help us. So, what can we do? Anything that we can do to show support to one another, that's all we've got to do today, and that's half... And I'm going to stay in town, and I'm just gonna walk about and smile at people. That's all I can do is just walk about and smile at people. We've got to look after each other now, don't we?\r
- What did they say when you went in today?\r
- They erm, they just gave me this, that place is filled to the rafters, you know? They've not got enough space for people to stand and wait, never mind sit and wait. So as I just said to the young lassie at the desk, I was like, "would it be easier for you if I take this, fill it in, and come back another day," you know, erm, cause it can't just be today, we've got to realise that, you know, we've gottae stick around each other, we can't just let this dissipate.

13 kudos 2017-05-24 18:18:38 door spin81 op Jongen gaat bloed doneren
It's a small thing that I can do, to show... I came to this city seventeen years ago, as a young man from Scotland, and it's always been a home to me, like, wherever you're from, and last night was devastating. You know? You see these things in the news, and you think: "one day, it's going to be here," you think that, but when it happens and it's children, and I think we can react in a lot of ways, we can react in anger, or we can react by doing... Why did I stay in this city for seventeen years: this city is a community. I don't care who you believe in, where you're from, this city's for everybody and we all need to rally 'round today to show support, because they want to divide us, don't they? They want us to turn on our neighbours, and it'll never happen. Not here.\r
I'm sorry I got upset here, but... I think like a lot of people in Manchester, it's just kind of hitting you slowly, yeah? This isn't something that happens in the Middle East, this isn't something that happens in America, this happened at the Manchester Arena. Our children. And what else can I do? So... There's an awful lot of people turning up today, so if you can't get seen today to give your blood or do something, still give them your details.

19 kudos 2017-05-24 18:05:44 door voutgaud op Jongen gaat bloed doneren
hij zegt dat manchester zijn thuis is en dat manchester zich niet laat verdelen door terroristische aanslagen, hij doet juist het tegenovergestelde en zal de hele de dag alleen maar lachen tegen mensen. resumerend; fuck die haatbaarden ons krijg je niet klein.