DumpStats voor Mitchacho

29 +29 0


#107910 (Top 39.4543%)

Kudos/dag 0.01
Kudos/reaguursel 9.67
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel 21
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel 1



Reaguursels/dag 0
Topreaguursels 0
Woorden per reaguursel 34.7
Reacties per reaguursel 0.67
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag 1
Aantal x weggejorist 0
Gestart op 16-03-2019

Kudoverloop over tijd

1 kudos 2019-03-16 15:55:09 op Eierknul tikt ei op senators ei
@nerugaer | 16-03-19 | 14:37: Uit de washington post:\r
The far-right lawmaker had sparked outrage Friday when, after 49 people were killed in a terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch, he said that Muslims “may have been the victims today; usually they are the perpetrators.”\r
“The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,” he wrote in a statement.\r
Interessant detail: 1% van de bevolking in NZ bestaat uit moslims. Dit is wat mij betreft geen islamkritiek meer islamofobie