DumpStats voor BenteBruijn

2 +2 0


#151248 (Top 56.0996%)

Kudos/dag 0
Kudos/reaguursel 0.5
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel 2
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel 0



Reaguursels/dag 0
Topreaguursels 0
Woorden per reaguursel 30
Reacties per reaguursel 0
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag 4
Aantal x weggejorist 0
Gestart op 30-01-2019

Kudoverloop over tijd

0 kudos 2019-01-30 06:26:14 op Mijn nieuwe dashcam
In the 1980s Kokush founded the Soviet film and television company Filmotechnic. He explained that the machine known as the "Russian Arm" is actually called Autorobot, and was given the nickname as a joke in the early nineties when Americans in Hollywood joked that "the Russian Arm is back in America again".[4] His company, Filmotechnic, helped film such major Hollywood pictures, as Titanic, War of the Worlds, Casanova, and also the wuxia film Hero, many Russian blockbusters, as well as Ukrainian films.[4] Other films include The Italian Job, Ocean's Twelve, King Arthur, Kingdom of Heaven, Bean: The Movie, Transformers, Iron Man 2, and many other huge box office hits\r